Royalty payments are due within 30 days of the last day of the month in which production of oil and condensate occurs and within 60 days of the last day of the month in which the production of gas and natural gas liquids occurs.
To pay royalties, please follow this simple process:
Download and fill out the Excel spreadsheet (see button below). You will answer questions such as the transported volume, gross proceeds, and division of interest within the spreadsheet. Full instructions can be found on the second page of the Excel document.
Once you have filled out the report, please email it to [email protected]. If this is your first time reporting royalties to Utah Trust Lands, you will need to set up a payor number in our system. This can be done by reaching out to the Accounting Department.
Also, you may check your completed Excel spreadsheet for errors using our online tool.
After your royalty report has been submitted, please send a payment to our Accounting Department at our Salt Lake office headquarters.