The Great Hunt Panel is a world-famous Fremont period (circa AD 950-1200) rock art site located on trust lands in the Nine Mile Canyon area of eastern Utah. Before Trust Lands’ work to protect the panel it was located very close to a well-traveled county road and was highly susceptible to damage from passing vehicles, vandalism, and dust. Beginning in 2004, Trust Lands worked with Carbon County and other stakeholders to relocate the road a safe distance away from the panel. This work was followed up in 2009 with a major project to install protective fencing, a parking area, a walkway, and interpretive signage to protect the site and make visiting it a pleasant and educational experience.
In the summer of 2021, major flooding damaged the road and the site improvements. Again, with the assistance of Carbon County and volunteer organizations, Trust Lands repaired the site, removing flood debris and rebuilding the site infrastructure.