Land & Lease Records

Land and Lease Records may be searched for all active and non-active leases after June 30, 1998 by using the contract module. You may also view land ownership through the land module. Be aware this system is scheduled for updates. The same information may be accessed through the current digital plat map.

Contract Module​

Below is a guide for using the Contract Module, please note: not all fields are required and the system may be queried in a variety of ways.

  1. To download files from the public contract search:

    1. Access the search page by clicking “View module” below.

    2. Enter your desired search filters, such as Class, Number, and Suffix, to identify specific contracts. Once your search criteria are entered, click Search.

    3. If your search returns only one result, the associated documents table for that contract will open automatically. If there are multiple results, select the desired contract by clicking on the corresponding row in the table displayed below the search filters. You can view more search results by using the left and right arrows in the bottom right corner of the results. 

    4. After selecting a contract, all available documents will be listed in a new table. To download a specific document, click on its corresponding row in the table. A notification reading “Downloading Document” will appear. The document will then be available in your browser’s download section. Please note that large documents may take additional time to download.

    5. You can return the to search results by clicking the red “X” in the top right corner.

Ownership Module​

Below is a guide for using the Ownership Module, please note: not all fields are required and the system may be queried in a variety of ways.

  1. Select ownership status
  2. Enter township
  3. Enter range
  4. Select meridian
Historical Plat Books​

Historical Plat Books (plat maps – Prior to January 1, 2010)

Searching this way requires plat type, township, range and meridian.

Digital Plat Map

The Digital Plat Map application combines Trust Lands Administration business with spatial data sources to provide users access to detailed contract and ownership data.

Serial Register Pages: Historical

Scans of historical mineral serial register pages. Not all serial register pages are yet available.

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