Washington City I Acre Parcel

The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration is now accepting offers or proposals for the lease or sale of approximately 1 acre of Trust Lands in Washington City, Washington County in Township 42 South Range 14 West Section 8, SLB&M. The subject land is on the south side of Telegraph Road and is adjacent to property owned by the City. Any individual wishing to submit a proposal for this property may do so until 3:00 PM on September 22, 2022. Proposals should be mailed to TRUST LANDS ADMINISTRATION Attn. Aaron Langston, 1593 Grapevine Crossing, Washington UT 84780, (435) 674-7411, or e-mailed to aaronlangston@utah.gov. Reference: Washington City 1-acre parcel. The Trust Lands Administration reserves the right to reject any proposal.

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