Montezuma Creek Mesa (C-27186)
What are trust lands?
Trust lands are parcels of land granted by Congress to Utah at statehood to support specific beneficiaries, including public schools, universities, hospitals, and reservoirs.  Trust lands are not public lands, but are generally open for public use, when possible. Trust lands were allocated specifically to generate revenue to support our beneficiaries. SITLA currently manages 3.3 million surface acres on behalf of our beneficiaries.
Online Bidding Information:
To register as a bidder or to place a bid, please see box to the right.
Bid Start Time:Â Thursday, June 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am MDT
Bid End Time:Â Â Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @ 10:00 am MDT
Closing Costs:
The closing costs are expenses incurred to prepare the property for sale. A large portion of the costs is for the completion of a cultural resource survey, which is required by law.Â
Financing will not be offered for this property. The successful bidder will be required to submit payment in full, including closing costs, within 10 business days.
The net proceeds from the sale of this property will be deposited into the permanent fund for the beneficiary of Public Schools.
Legal Description:
Township 40 South, Range 24 East, SLB&M
Section 32: NE¼SE¼, E½NE¼NW¼SE¼ (within) (survey being completed)
This parcel is located within the Navajo Nation reservation and is northwest of the town of Montezuma Creek in southeastern Utah. The town of Bluff is about 14 miles west of Montezuma Creek.
Access is from a prescriptive easement that crosses Navajo Nation land from North 5th East
Additional Information:
The property is located on a mesa and is relatively flat with sparse vegetation. The elevation of the property ranges from 4,455 feet to 4,617 feet.
46.85 acres, more or less (surveyed acreage)
Water Rights:
No water rights are associated with the property.
Public utilities do not exist on the property, but power is nearby.
IR (Indian Reservation)
Financing will not be offered for this property. The successful bidder will be required to submit payment in full, including closing costs, within 10 business days.
Mineral Lease Encumbrances:
Surface Lease Encumbrances:
- Easement No. 216, issued to Navajo National Oil & Gas for a pipeline
Cultural Resource Covenant:
A cultural resource survey was conducted on this parcel. Some significant sites were identified which will be protected through a deed covenant with restrictions for the area where the sites were located.
- Please see the disclosure summary and the certificate of sale template document for general disclosures which apply to all parcels being offered for sale at this auction.
- All mineral rights will be reserved.
- The sand and gravel on the parcel will be subject to a royalty provision if sold commercially.
- The following comment has been submitted from the Utah Division of Emergency Management: “While San Juan County has not had a Federal (FEMA) flood risk study conducted since the 1970s and thus is unmapped, there is still an element of flood risk. Although a community floodplain development permit is not required, designing structures or other development, by being reasonably safe from flooding, is a best practice to follow. As both the State of Utah and San Juan County participate in the National Flood Insurance Program it is important to take flood risk into consideration of structure design for protection of life and property. Best Practices include the use of flood-resistant materials constructed by methods and practices to minimize flood damage; electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and other service facilities designed / located to prevent water from entering or accumulating within components; and elevate the structure—build-up, instead of below. The Community Floodplain Manager should know what is required in these areas. If there are questions about requirements, contact Tracie Harrison, State Floodplain Program Manager, at [email protected] or 385-499-2077.
- The property will be conveyed subject to all valid existing rights.