Hunting and fishing opportunities abound on trust lands throughout the state.  Most trust lands are open to the general public for hunting and fishing. We ask that you be respectful of trust lands as you engage in hunting and fishing activities and help us to preserve and protect the resource for the trust beneficiaries. Please contact the State of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (“UDWR”) for more information on hunting seasons and licensing requirements.

Hunter Access Agreement

In 2007 the Trust Lands Administration entered into a hunter access agreement with the State of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR). The agreement was renewed in 2017 for an additional 15 year period.  The terms of this agreement allows access to the public for hunting, trapping, fishing, and viewing of wildlife on trust lands in exchange for an annual payment to the Trust Lands Administration by the UDWR. This agreement allows the Trust Lands Administration to fulfill its mandate of generating revenue for the trust beneficiaries while preserving hunting opportunities for the general public.

Hunting and Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs)

OHVs are a convenient form of transportation to hunting areas.  However, with the increased number of registered OHVs used during hunting seasons, it is vital for hunters to known and obey OHV laws and rules for their own safety and for the safety of others.  Hunters must also ride responsibly on designated roads and trails to protect their riding privilege, big game, and wildlife habitat.


Off-Trail Game Retrieval

Use of a motor vehicle for the retrieval of downed game off of a designated route is prohibited.

Commercial Outfitting/Guide Services

Commercial outfitters and hunting guides are required to obtain a right-of-entry permit prior to operating on trust lands.

Personal Hunting Animals

Personal animals used for hunting are restricted to a maximum of 16.  Unrestrained animals must not be left unattended.  No commercial dog training is allowed on trust lands without a permit.  Animals cannot be boarded less than 100 feet from any water source.

For a complete list of prohibited and restricted uses on trust lands, please click here for the rules.

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